Karl-Heinz: Happy Birthday Karl-Heinz – Shots


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Happy Birthday with YOUR NAME: Karl-Heinz

Video Download: Happy Birthday Karl-Heinz
(Weapons + Shots)

Karl-Heinz → Happy Birthday, Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, alles Gute, feliz cumpleaños, с днем ​​рождения, joyeux anniversaire, feliz aniversário, buon compleanno, 生日快樂, जन्मदिन की शुभकामनाएं, عيد ميلاد سعيد, শুভ জন্মদিন, お誕生日おめでとうございます, ਜਨਮਦਿਨ ਮੁਬਾਰਕ, …
Birthday Congratulation video, for example send via WhatsApp or other messengers to shooting partner, friends, relatives, colleagues, … This congratulation video for the birthday child have a special format. You can watch the video
below and on YouTube: Video-Link

Happy Birthday with YOUR NAME – Video Download: Happy Birthday Weapons + Shots
Karl-Heinz Happy Birthday, Alles Gute, Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, Feliz cumpleaños

      • Attention: The video will be provided directly after the purchase for DOWNLOAD. You will receive an email with the DOWNLOAD-LINK. You can download the video within 30 days. After this period the link will be deactivated.
      • Video data: 28 seconds / 8 MB / Format: 16: 9 / mp4 / 1280 x 720 pixels / 25 frames per sec.
      • You may send this video to anyone you would like to personally congratulate.
      • What you may not do: You may not post this file on a website or on an online exchange. You are not allowed to sell this video for sale either.
      • Music: Happy Birthday Instrumental by LittleObeats / Non Copyrighted
      • Background: pixabay.com / Non Copyrighted
      • Weapon-Animation: 180 Green Screen Effects + Download 2019 (on youtube) / Non Copyrighted
      • Find more Videos with your name on https://wimix.de
      • Please mail me your name if you can not find it or write me on my → Youtube channel in the comments below the → Video.


Keywords/Keyphrase Birthday
Happy Birthday, YOUR NAME, Personalized, Congratulation, Herlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, с Днем рождения, Feliz cumpleaños, 生日快樂, Buon compleanno, عيد ميلاد سعيد , Joyeux anniversaire,
Keywords/Keyphrase Ego-Shooter
Weapons, Shots, Guns, Shooting, Ego-Shooter, Call of Duty, Metro Exodus, GTFO, GTA, Counter-Strike, Fortnite, Scorn, Dying Light, Doom Eternal, Generation Zero, Serious Sam, Wolfenstein Youngblood, Atomic Heart, Witchfire, Rage, Far Cry New Dawn, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
More Keywords #1
en: shoot shooting range shooting sport weapon pistol. Sagittarius Rifle Club Rifle Festival. Rifle King Rifle Comrade Comrade Rifle Queen Comrade Comrade.
de: schießen Schießstand Schießsport Waffe Pistole. Schütze Schützenverein Schützenfest. Schützenkönig Schützenkameradschaft Kamerad Schützenkönigin Kameradin Kameraden.
es: disparar campo de tiro pistola deportiva arma pistola. Sagitario Rifle Club Rifle Festival. Rifle Rey Rifle Camarada Camarada Rifle Camaradas Camarada.
pt: atirar campo de tiro tiro pistola arma esporte. Festival do rifle do clube do rifle de Sagitário. Camarada Rei Rifle Camarada Camaradas Rifle Rainha.
fr: tirer champ de tir tir pistolet pistolet sport. Festival de carabine Sagittarius Rifle Club. Rifle King Rifle Camarade Rifle Queen Camaradas Camarades.
ru: стрельба тир стрельба спортивное оружие пистолет. Стрелец Стрелковый клуб Стрелковый фестиваль. Винтовка Король Товарищ Королева.
More Keywords #2
zh: 射擊,射擊範圍,射擊運動 武器, 手槍. 射手座 射擊俱樂部 步槍節 射手座 步槍陪伴, 伴侶, 步槍皇后 同志, 同志們.
hi: गोली मार, दागने की सीमा, शूटिंग के खेल, हथियार. पिस्तौल, धनु, शूटिंग क्लब, राइफल महोत्सव, धनु. राइफल साहचर्य, दोस्त, राइफल क्वीन, कॉमरेड, कामरेड.
ar: أطلق النار، الرماية، رياضة الرماية ، سلاح ، مسدس، برج القوس، نادي الرماية، مهرجان البندقية . برج القوس، رفقة بندقية ، زميل، ملكة البندقية ، الرفيق ، أيها الرفاق .
bn: অঙ্কুর, শুটিং পরিসীমা, শুটিং স্পোর্টস, স্পোর্টস ক্লাব সমূহ। অস্ত্র. পিস্তল, ধনু, শুটিং ক্লাব, রাইফেল উত্সব, লক্ষ্যভেদী, রাইফেল সাহচর্য. সঙ্গী, রাইফেল কুইন, কমরেড, কমরেডগণ.
ja: シュート、 射撃練習場、 スポーツの撮影、 武器、 ピストル、 射手座、 シューティングクラブ、 ライフルフェスティバル. マークスマン、 ライフルの交際、 メイト、 ライフルクイーン、 同志、 同志.
pa: ਸ਼ੂਟ, ਸ਼ੂਟਿੰਗ ਰੇਂਜ, ਸ਼ੂਟਿੰਗ ਸਪੋਰਟਸ, ਹਥਿਆਰ, ਪਿਸਟਲ. ਧਨੁ, ਸ਼ੂਟਿੰਗ ਕਲੱਬ, ਰਾਈਫਲ ਫੈਸਟੀਵਲ. ਧਨੁ, ਰਾਈਫਲ ਦੀ ਸੰਗਤ, ਸਾਥੀ, ਰਾਈਫਲ ਰਾਣੀ, ਕਾਮਰੇਡ, ਕਾਮਰੇਡ.


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